Is Plastic Making You Happier?
If you re like most people, you probably own at least one.
And like most people, you ve maybe never thought what it s really costing you
At a recent conference held by the Fabian Society at London s Imperial college, one of the issues discussed was happiness, and, more specifically, why it seems to elude so many of us,Then it has to start all over again tomorrow.
One of the conclusions reached was that one of the greatest causes of unhappiness in the last 50 years has been people s constant desire to raise their level of material wealth (especially in relation to others who have more).
As one speaker noted, We re like children on a rainy Sunday afternoon, impossible to please. We have everything and nothing.
You may disagree, but I can t think of a worse modern symbol of this constant craving than the credit card.
Yes, I know, they might seem a godsend when payday isn t for another week and a half. Having free money can be a fantastic thing...if you manage to pay it back on time that is...
If you re like a great many, though, and only managing to make that minimum monthly repayment,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, here are 4 things to think about the next time you reach for that piece of plastic
1 It s very expensive!
2% interest a month may sound like peanuts but that equates to 24% per year. Let s imagine, like me, you lived in the UK, and had an average balance of £8000 on your card... that would mean you were paying £160 a month interest. On the national average salary, that s almost a week s work!
2 It s not your money
You re actually paying someone else for the privilege of making you poorer! That hard-earned cash should be in your pocket, not some lender s. How can you remain solvent if you re continually spending money you don t have?
3 Money burns a hole in your pocket
If you re like me, I can bet you ve met or know loads of people who always seem to have too much month left at the end of the money. Yet, I ll bet you if they earned double or even treble their income, they would still find some way to squander it. It seems to be in our nature somehow.
We ve all seen those quiz shows where the contestants win big money. What s the first question they re asked? Yep, that s right, How are you going to spend it? I don t recall many replying they would wisely invest it for their retirement.
4 You spend what you don t have
Credit cards give you the illusion of being wealthy. Let s face it, if you were handing over a 1000 dollars instead of that little piece of plastic, you might just stop and have a quick rethink.
It used to be the case that Gold cards (those ones with the massive spending limits) were the preserve of the wealthy, but the banks weren t too long in realizing that if they gave these out to everyone, they would simply go ahead and spend as if they were wealthy,Feel yourself pick up your Astral body in the same manner you would your physical body. We seem to prefer illusion to reality, somehow.
Way back in the sixties, a French philosopher called Jean-Paul Sartre came up with a concept he called the Practico Inert.
Fancy terminology aside, he was trying to explain in a nutshell how humans almost always (and without realizing it) become prisoners of their own creations,in a corresponding fashion.
He used the example of Chinese peasants who needed wood in order to provide fuel and building materials for themselves. The long-term effect, though, was that the continual loss of trees needed for wood gradually exposed their land to flooding and drought.
Likewise, in our modern world, the credit card creates a short-term illusion of freedom and control, but in reality, only makes you poorer and increases your dependency on others.
So next time you re tempted to reach for that piece of plastic, stop for a second and have a think about it s true worth to you.
Is it really making you any happier, or like so many others, could it be seriously damaging your wealth?
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Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
you can read my article on goal setting at
The Power of a Positive Attitude
You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog. What do you do, get mad and waste the day with anger or get excited because you woke up this morning and the day is going to be awesome.
Unfortunately, most of us fill our day with negativity from the moment we get out of bed. Then we wonder why our day is not the best it can be. Attitude affects every aspect of your life- even your on-line business- so why not have a great attitude. The good news is you control your attitude, not me not circumstances, and you do. Every time you get excited about your day, you made the choice to be excited. When you walk through your day with negativity it was a choice you made.
Make The Right Choice
Making the choice to stay positive is an easy task but it takes commitment and will not happen over night. It is learning to find the positive in every situation and retraining your sub conscious mind to think in the positive instead of the negative. Unfortunately, we are bread to think negatively from the time we can walk but we can retrain ourselves to be the positive motivator that takes charge and wins in life.
Read on to learn the techniques I use to maintain a positive attitude.
Make A Goal To Change
People often ask me why I am so happy all the time and I tell them because I made a goal to control my attitude. Setting a goal to make a commitment to change your attitude is the foundation that must be laid,then you could try the HR of the Employee Assistance Program representative.. If you need help on how to set a goal, you can read my article on goal setting at:
Affirmations are the key to maintaining a positive attitude. An affirmation is a positive statement said in the present tense with conviction. For example, I am a money magnet, money flows to me easily and effortlessly or I am an extremely positive person at all times. I made a list of seven affirmations that I say twice a day every day and I recommend you do the same,9.When listening to a person you make eye contact 70% of the time.. I say my affirmations every morning in the shower and at night before I go to bed and when ever i fill negative about something, this way they will be imbedded in my sub-consciousness through out the day.
Fight A Negitive With A Positive
Every time you find yourself thinking negatively, turn it in to a positive thought and repeat it ten times. It takes 10 positive thoughts to cancel out one negative thought. Every thing can be put into a positive; for example, you are stuck in rush hour traffic and you want to get home to see your family,attitude. This is an easy situation to get negative about but instead make it a positive by saying this is awesome, I now have time to clear my head from work so when I get home I can give my family my full attention. Now when you get home you are in a great mood and ready to play with the kids instead of being grumpy.
Follow through on what you just read and you will be surprised at how much better life and business will be. This will be a tough road but is any thing worth achieving easy!
Copyright Shannon Herod
You wake up in the morning sleepy and fatigued; the day has to start but you do not want it to. You stumble around,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots; stub your toe on the dresser and step on the dog. What do you do, get mad and waste the day with anger or get excited because you woke up this morning and the day is going to be awesome.
Unfortunately, most of us fill our day with negativity from the moment we get out of bed. Then we wonder why our day is not the best it can be. Attitude affects every aspect of your life- even your on-line business- so why not have a great attitude. The good news is you control your attitude, not me not circumstances, and you do. Every time you get excited about your day, you made the choice to be excited. When you walk through your day with negativity it was a choice you made.
Make The Right Choice
Making the choice to stay positive is an easy task but it takes commitment and will not happen over night. It is learning to find the positive in every situation and retraining your sub conscious mind to think in the positive instead of the negative. Unfortunately, we are bread to think negatively from the time we can walk but we can retrain ourselves to be the positive motivator that takes charge and wins in life.
Read on to learn the techniques I use to maintain a positive attitude.
Make A Goal To Change
People often ask me why I am so happy all the time and I tell them because I made a goal to control my attitude. Setting a goal to make a commitment to change your attitude is the foundation that must be laid,then you could try the HR of the Employee Assistance Program representative.. If you need help on how to set a goal, you can read my article on goal setting at:
Affirmations are the key to maintaining a positive attitude. An affirmation is a positive statement said in the present tense with conviction. For example, I am a money magnet, money flows to me easily and effortlessly or I am an extremely positive person at all times. I made a list of seven affirmations that I say twice a day every day and I recommend you do the same,9.When listening to a person you make eye contact 70% of the time.. I say my affirmations every morning in the shower and at night before I go to bed and when ever i fill negative about something, this way they will be imbedded in my sub-consciousness through out the day.
Fight A Negitive With A Positive
Every time you find yourself thinking negatively, turn it in to a positive thought and repeat it ten times. It takes 10 positive thoughts to cancel out one negative thought. Every thing can be put into a positive; for example, you are stuck in rush hour traffic and you want to get home to see your family,attitude. This is an easy situation to get negative about but instead make it a positive by saying this is awesome, I now have time to clear my head from work so when I get home I can give my family my full attention. Now when you get home you are in a great mood and ready to play with the kids instead of being grumpy.
Follow through on what you just read and you will be surprised at how much better life and business will be. This will be a tough road but is any thing worth achieving easy!
Copyright Shannon Herod
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
to remain in a loving state and to share that love with those around her.
Life, The Greatest Ride of All
Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, the unexpected changes,Addressing 'Normal' Business Functions, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of life can be miserable and uncomfortable or exciting and rewarding. Our states of mind and body are key factors in how we handle these changes. The problems of life do not go away magically. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful.
Once in an ENCHANTED SELF workshop, one woman related a story about her Thanksgiving dinner,what and where would you most want to be. She had recently suffered a painful and unexpected breakup with a boyfriend. Although she was experiencing grief, she had a strong inner desire to reclaim her sense of self and move forward with her life.
It was interesting to hear her speak about the family meal. As she looked around at her extended family seated at the table, she became filled with love and felt the love reflected back towards her. It was then that she made a conscious choice to stay focused in the moment, to remain in a loving state and to share that love with those around her.
There were some inner struggles during the course of the evening because Thanksgiving held poignant memories for her involving her ex-boyfriend. When these memories surfaced, she deliberately chose to put them aside. After the family gathering, she confidently exclaimed, "I won!"
Her conscious decision to remain in a positive state of being, coupled with the feelings of love that she felt toward everyone, were the most critical factors in staying focused in the moment. She had triumphed because she did not succumb to feelings of depression and pity. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz when she clicked her heels and said, "there's no place like home," she realized that the things she was searching for -- strength, love and happiness--could be found in her "own backyard."
The support and love that comes from our family and friends, as well as the inner strength we develop when we get to know and accept ourselves, was right there.
We will always tussle with dark thoughts and the negative sides of our personalities. Sometimes there will be unpleasant events in our lives, but we can choose not to let these things invade our sense of self-dignity and worth. When we make conscious choices about how we will respond to difficult situations, we feel empowered. For that moment we are in charge of our destiny. Nobody ever said that achieving positive states of mind and body was easy, but then again nobody ever said it was hard. It's a matter of focusing on the positive, and self-education.
Positive memory retrieval is the tool that enhances our ENCHANTED SELF journey. Reaching a positive state of inner and outer harmony is the essence of THE ENCHANTED SELF. One way of reaching this state is to give love and support to our selves and to others. Let's make this year a year of growth, peace, harmony and shared optimism.
Exercise: Heightening Our Experience of Pleasure
This exercise is designed not only to help you remember and validate positive aspects of your past, but to emphasize the need to stay more attentive to positive happenings in the present that may precipitate pleasure.
Were there moments in your childhood when you felt particularly happy? These moments can be from any age -- from your earliest memories through young adulthood. When you find a golden memory, savor it. See yourself at that age and experiment with letting different senses reconnect to that happy time,Most vegetables are important sources of minerals.
What was going on at that moment?
What were you feeling inside?
How did your body feel?
Were there any aromas?
How did things look around you?
How were you acting?
What was the weather like?
What was the scenery like?
Were you with anyone?
What was it like to be with that person?
Take time to really enjoy this happy memory. Now scan your memory bank and the most recent past to see if you can think of one thing that you enjoyed doing in the last week. Give yourself permission to relive through your memory that pleasant time. Again, use all of your senses to reconnect you with that wonderful experience.
Life is the greatest roller coaster ride we will ever take. The ups and downs,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, the unexpected changes,Addressing 'Normal' Business Functions, the twists and turns, are all a part of living. The roller coaster ride of life can be miserable and uncomfortable or exciting and rewarding. Our states of mind and body are key factors in how we handle these changes. The problems of life do not go away magically. We have to consciously work on making our lives more positive and joyful.
Once in an ENCHANTED SELF workshop, one woman related a story about her Thanksgiving dinner,what and where would you most want to be. She had recently suffered a painful and unexpected breakup with a boyfriend. Although she was experiencing grief, she had a strong inner desire to reclaim her sense of self and move forward with her life.
It was interesting to hear her speak about the family meal. As she looked around at her extended family seated at the table, she became filled with love and felt the love reflected back towards her. It was then that she made a conscious choice to stay focused in the moment, to remain in a loving state and to share that love with those around her.
There were some inner struggles during the course of the evening because Thanksgiving held poignant memories for her involving her ex-boyfriend. When these memories surfaced, she deliberately chose to put them aside. After the family gathering, she confidently exclaimed, "I won!"
Her conscious decision to remain in a positive state of being, coupled with the feelings of love that she felt toward everyone, were the most critical factors in staying focused in the moment. She had triumphed because she did not succumb to feelings of depression and pity. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz when she clicked her heels and said, "there's no place like home," she realized that the things she was searching for -- strength, love and happiness--could be found in her "own backyard."
The support and love that comes from our family and friends, as well as the inner strength we develop when we get to know and accept ourselves, was right there.
We will always tussle with dark thoughts and the negative sides of our personalities. Sometimes there will be unpleasant events in our lives, but we can choose not to let these things invade our sense of self-dignity and worth. When we make conscious choices about how we will respond to difficult situations, we feel empowered. For that moment we are in charge of our destiny. Nobody ever said that achieving positive states of mind and body was easy, but then again nobody ever said it was hard. It's a matter of focusing on the positive, and self-education.
Positive memory retrieval is the tool that enhances our ENCHANTED SELF journey. Reaching a positive state of inner and outer harmony is the essence of THE ENCHANTED SELF. One way of reaching this state is to give love and support to our selves and to others. Let's make this year a year of growth, peace, harmony and shared optimism.
Exercise: Heightening Our Experience of Pleasure
This exercise is designed not only to help you remember and validate positive aspects of your past, but to emphasize the need to stay more attentive to positive happenings in the present that may precipitate pleasure.
Were there moments in your childhood when you felt particularly happy? These moments can be from any age -- from your earliest memories through young adulthood. When you find a golden memory, savor it. See yourself at that age and experiment with letting different senses reconnect to that happy time,Most vegetables are important sources of minerals.
What was going on at that moment?
What were you feeling inside?
How did your body feel?
Were there any aromas?
How did things look around you?
How were you acting?
What was the weather like?
What was the scenery like?
Were you with anyone?
What was it like to be with that person?
Take time to really enjoy this happy memory. Now scan your memory bank and the most recent past to see if you can think of one thing that you enjoyed doing in the last week. Give yourself permission to relive through your memory that pleasant time. Again, use all of your senses to reconnect you with that wonderful experience.
Monday, November 26, 2012
surround yourself with people
There Is No Excuse For Being Unhappy by Ineke Van Lint,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots
Many people are living a life of sadness, despair, fear and anger, as if they were living in a basement with a very low ceiling. A cold, damp ceiling of dense concrete, keeping them down. There are no windows in this place, no sunshine coming in, no birds singing, no nightingales, no voices of children playing, no affection, no tenderness. Instead there are tons of misery, illness, sadness, anger, depression, fatigue, anxiety, doubt and low self-esteem.
How can you leave these gloomy quarters? How do you go back to the gentle sunlight? All you need to do is take a few steps up the staircase, and there you are: on the first floor, where there's lots of light, love, abundance, joy, well-being and plenty of sunshine even if it's raining outside. All of this is just one floor away! One floor up, in fact.
Why is it so hard to leave the basement, to wake up from this nightmare, and to reach that place where you long to be, when it is just a few steps away? Because "they" have told you that this murky basement you're living in is all there is, and you have taken their word for it. Who are "they" ? They are your parents, your teachers, people around you, TV shows you watch, newspapers you read, and so on.
You think this sad life in the basement is reality, and that love and excitement is the stuff that dreams are made of. My dear, you are living an illusion! You are living a huge misunderstanding, for it is exactly the other way around. It is the darkness that is the dream (a nightmare in fact), and Love and Light that is real.
Unfortunately, "they" never told you that real life is happening just a few steps up. They never told you that you are living in a nightmare. Why didn't they tell you? Are they that sadistic? Didn't they want you to be happy and healthy and abundant? Oh yes, they did! So why didn't they tell you? Because they simply don't know themselves! They too believe, and have believed for their whole life, that the lies they are living are the truth, that the nightmare is real. And so they couldn't have told you anything else than the lies they themselves take for truth.
This handover of misunderstandings and lies has been going on for a very long time, generation after generation. Do you really want to stay under that ceiling, cramped and swamped in darkness and misery? Do you want your children to fall for these lies, "living" a "life" of discontent, heaviness and chronic disease? Or do you want to live one step beyond, a few steps up, being showered with love and feeling the sunshine on your face?
How do you get there? It's right there!
You will have to stretch yourself a little bit to get there. You will have to take a serious look at your belief system and carefully examine the core beliefs that all of your thoughts are built upon. Then you will need to decide whether you will continue believing the lies they told you, or whether you will abandon those limiting ideas, make up your own mind, and take a shot at living in joy and excitement.
Stretch yourself, step out of your comfort zone. You will have to quit some bad habits and leave behind some of the people you used to hang out with. You can no longer dwell in negative energy vibrations once you have made up your mind that you want to live on a positive vibe.
How can you go one floor up and step back into the light? There are several things you can do! Take a walk in nature,why not, listen to some uplifting music, read an inspiring book, attend workshops to develop your talents, discover your inner truth and your true nature in moments of silence, take your dreams serious and do whatever you can to realize them. Nurture your passions: sing, dance, paint, draw, make love with your loved one, connect with your guardian angel, look into the eyes of a child, play with your pets,she suggests silliness. I am so pleased. I've been a personal fan of silliness my whole life, make friends with the Universe, have a conversation with God (and with the neighbors), follow your own path, lift your vibration with therapies like Bach Flower Therapy, and so on. In a nutshell : surround yourself with people, objects and activities that have a high energy vibration and that makes your energy flow in your body. There is so much to enjoy!
There is so much you can do to uplift your energy vibration, that there is absolutely no excuse to stay underground. Unless you consciously choose to be loyal to those who tell you there is no fun in life, that this misery is just the way life is, that you have to accept it, and that the basement is the only room in the house. You have a choice to make: or you make it your priority to uplift your energy, or you stay where you are. It's totally up to you,showing up in the way people interact with one another and handle different situations.! You have the freedom to choose. Since everybody can go upstairs, since access is denied to nobody, there really is no excuse not to go there
You should do every day things that make you feel happy. It won't happen by itself. Make a list of what makes you feel smiling and what uplifts your energy, and start doing at least some of these things every day! You can, nobody withholds you!
Consider this: the effort needed to go up that staircase is no bigger than the effort needed to stay under that low ceiling, carrying a heavy load on your shoulders. The effort is the same but the results are vastly different! Staying where you are is wallowing in misery and pain. Going upstairs is telling the world you really believe you and everybody else deserve a life filled with light and enthusiasm! Your life is waiting for you! Go up there and get it! Don't wait for it to happen by itself. Stand up, move your body, take action and do what makes you feel better!
Why not go up? The difference is enthusiasm!
Many people are living a life of sadness, despair, fear and anger, as if they were living in a basement with a very low ceiling. A cold, damp ceiling of dense concrete, keeping them down. There are no windows in this place, no sunshine coming in, no birds singing, no nightingales, no voices of children playing, no affection, no tenderness. Instead there are tons of misery, illness, sadness, anger, depression, fatigue, anxiety, doubt and low self-esteem.
How can you leave these gloomy quarters? How do you go back to the gentle sunlight? All you need to do is take a few steps up the staircase, and there you are: on the first floor, where there's lots of light, love, abundance, joy, well-being and plenty of sunshine even if it's raining outside. All of this is just one floor away! One floor up, in fact.
Why is it so hard to leave the basement, to wake up from this nightmare, and to reach that place where you long to be, when it is just a few steps away? Because "they" have told you that this murky basement you're living in is all there is, and you have taken their word for it. Who are "they" ? They are your parents, your teachers, people around you, TV shows you watch, newspapers you read, and so on.
You think this sad life in the basement is reality, and that love and excitement is the stuff that dreams are made of. My dear, you are living an illusion! You are living a huge misunderstanding, for it is exactly the other way around. It is the darkness that is the dream (a nightmare in fact), and Love and Light that is real.
Unfortunately, "they" never told you that real life is happening just a few steps up. They never told you that you are living in a nightmare. Why didn't they tell you? Are they that sadistic? Didn't they want you to be happy and healthy and abundant? Oh yes, they did! So why didn't they tell you? Because they simply don't know themselves! They too believe, and have believed for their whole life, that the lies they are living are the truth, that the nightmare is real. And so they couldn't have told you anything else than the lies they themselves take for truth.
This handover of misunderstandings and lies has been going on for a very long time, generation after generation. Do you really want to stay under that ceiling, cramped and swamped in darkness and misery? Do you want your children to fall for these lies, "living" a "life" of discontent, heaviness and chronic disease? Or do you want to live one step beyond, a few steps up, being showered with love and feeling the sunshine on your face?
How do you get there? It's right there!
You will have to stretch yourself a little bit to get there. You will have to take a serious look at your belief system and carefully examine the core beliefs that all of your thoughts are built upon. Then you will need to decide whether you will continue believing the lies they told you, or whether you will abandon those limiting ideas, make up your own mind, and take a shot at living in joy and excitement.
Stretch yourself, step out of your comfort zone. You will have to quit some bad habits and leave behind some of the people you used to hang out with. You can no longer dwell in negative energy vibrations once you have made up your mind that you want to live on a positive vibe.
How can you go one floor up and step back into the light? There are several things you can do! Take a walk in nature,why not, listen to some uplifting music, read an inspiring book, attend workshops to develop your talents, discover your inner truth and your true nature in moments of silence, take your dreams serious and do whatever you can to realize them. Nurture your passions: sing, dance, paint, draw, make love with your loved one, connect with your guardian angel, look into the eyes of a child, play with your pets,she suggests silliness. I am so pleased. I've been a personal fan of silliness my whole life, make friends with the Universe, have a conversation with God (and with the neighbors), follow your own path, lift your vibration with therapies like Bach Flower Therapy, and so on. In a nutshell : surround yourself with people, objects and activities that have a high energy vibration and that makes your energy flow in your body. There is so much to enjoy!
There is so much you can do to uplift your energy vibration, that there is absolutely no excuse to stay underground. Unless you consciously choose to be loyal to those who tell you there is no fun in life, that this misery is just the way life is, that you have to accept it, and that the basement is the only room in the house. You have a choice to make: or you make it your priority to uplift your energy, or you stay where you are. It's totally up to you,showing up in the way people interact with one another and handle different situations.! You have the freedom to choose. Since everybody can go upstairs, since access is denied to nobody, there really is no excuse not to go there
You should do every day things that make you feel happy. It won't happen by itself. Make a list of what makes you feel smiling and what uplifts your energy, and start doing at least some of these things every day! You can, nobody withholds you!
Consider this: the effort needed to go up that staircase is no bigger than the effort needed to stay under that low ceiling, carrying a heavy load on your shoulders. The effort is the same but the results are vastly different! Staying where you are is wallowing in misery and pain. Going upstairs is telling the world you really believe you and everybody else deserve a life filled with light and enthusiasm! Your life is waiting for you! Go up there and get it! Don't wait for it to happen by itself. Stand up, move your body, take action and do what makes you feel better!
Why not go up? The difference is enthusiasm!
Friday, November 23, 2012
New Warrior Adventure Weekends
Therapy for Grief by Michael Logan,If you need to relieve stress
The best therapy for grief is time and community. We humans have been dealing with death since we began, and every culture, every clan, every family, has created some kind of ritual.
For example some cultures still throw spears over the body to ward off spirits.
In our culture, homes from a more rural time were built with a "death room" included, and when a village member died, the village participated in the ritual, the wake, and the funeral, and the bereaved wore black to symbolize their grief, which meant in part that they were going to withdraw from the normal village transactions for awhile.
I think it is interesting to read of the evolving funeral industry from its ancient roots, and also the evolving interest of my profession in grief and the grieving process.
By the way, grief does not always deal with just human death. We grieve pets, possessions,In this job you are the boss, marriages, ideas, ideals, traditions, anything important to us which is gone suddenly.
I remember from my own youth, very young in the early 1950's, our family car, which was one of the first models available after WWII, burned in the barn on our farm, and how my parents wept.
The car was important for my Dad to get to and from work, and it represented upwardly mobile success for my parents also, and the setback was hard to take.
Fast forward a few decades, to when I began working in the addictions field, and becoming amazed at what intense pain often lay under or within addictions.
So grieving and grief therapy became an informal part of the addiction recovery process.
Men spoke of physical abuse, women spoke of sexual abuse, as a rule of thumb, the point being that many addicts experienced a betrayal of trust at the hands of family members, and had there been grief therapy available, perhaps the pain could have been cleared more effectively.
The purpose of grief I believe is to clear away the wreckage of the old, so that the new can grow, and if we do not process grief effectively, it is very difficult to trust in closeness or relationship.
Grief is like the winter of emotional life, and necessary for the spring and rebirth.
However we humans can get stuck in our grief, and it is then that perhaps a grief therapist is necessary for us to let go and move on.
I have been to many experiential workshops, holotropic breathwork, New Warrior Adventure Weekends, where folks have opened the door to unfinished grief from decades prior, from veterans working on survival guilt, or father's grieving the loss of sons and daughters, children grieving the loss of parents to death, or addiction, and the healing from that grief therapy process can be profound, when the folks involved in the community trust in the sacredness of the work.
In my own anger management and domestic violence programs, I routinely have clients who tap into a deep pain around a loss, and I need to have a model for them to make sense of what is happening.
A great model for that kind of grief therapy is psychodrama,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, but what we counselor's call "set and setting" is integral to safety and trust, and psychodrama may not be appropriate for an educational class or workshop.
There are other models for dealing with complicated grief,2. We know defeat when our feet refuse to step out of the puddle of discouragement., or disenfranchised grief, for example, which are aspects of grief being delineated in more current research on grief therapy.
The first model of grief that I came across in my professional development was the Elizabeth Kubler-Ross model, with its five stages, denial, bargaining, anger, tears, and acceptance, and it has proven to be very useful in letting folks know there is a rhyme and reason to their experience.
Just knowing that they are not "going crazy" is a relief, and the relationship between anger and sadness is a very important piece of what I teach my anger management and domestic violence classes, so that they can be aware that anger is a great way to get out of a vulnerable feeling state, but anger, like all emotions, demands an action which will of course be different than tears, with its own consequences.
Of course, acceptance is what all of us are striving for, that day when I wake up and think of my loss and do not experience that intense feeling, maybe a bit of nostalgia or melancholy, but then I get on with the business of living a life that respects the memory of the dear departed.
The best therapy for grief is time and community. We humans have been dealing with death since we began, and every culture, every clan, every family, has created some kind of ritual.
For example some cultures still throw spears over the body to ward off spirits.
In our culture, homes from a more rural time were built with a "death room" included, and when a village member died, the village participated in the ritual, the wake, and the funeral, and the bereaved wore black to symbolize their grief, which meant in part that they were going to withdraw from the normal village transactions for awhile.
I think it is interesting to read of the evolving funeral industry from its ancient roots, and also the evolving interest of my profession in grief and the grieving process.
By the way, grief does not always deal with just human death. We grieve pets, possessions,In this job you are the boss, marriages, ideas, ideals, traditions, anything important to us which is gone suddenly.
I remember from my own youth, very young in the early 1950's, our family car, which was one of the first models available after WWII, burned in the barn on our farm, and how my parents wept.
The car was important for my Dad to get to and from work, and it represented upwardly mobile success for my parents also, and the setback was hard to take.
Fast forward a few decades, to when I began working in the addictions field, and becoming amazed at what intense pain often lay under or within addictions.
So grieving and grief therapy became an informal part of the addiction recovery process.
Men spoke of physical abuse, women spoke of sexual abuse, as a rule of thumb, the point being that many addicts experienced a betrayal of trust at the hands of family members, and had there been grief therapy available, perhaps the pain could have been cleared more effectively.
The purpose of grief I believe is to clear away the wreckage of the old, so that the new can grow, and if we do not process grief effectively, it is very difficult to trust in closeness or relationship.
Grief is like the winter of emotional life, and necessary for the spring and rebirth.
However we humans can get stuck in our grief, and it is then that perhaps a grief therapist is necessary for us to let go and move on.
I have been to many experiential workshops, holotropic breathwork, New Warrior Adventure Weekends, where folks have opened the door to unfinished grief from decades prior, from veterans working on survival guilt, or father's grieving the loss of sons and daughters, children grieving the loss of parents to death, or addiction, and the healing from that grief therapy process can be profound, when the folks involved in the community trust in the sacredness of the work.
In my own anger management and domestic violence programs, I routinely have clients who tap into a deep pain around a loss, and I need to have a model for them to make sense of what is happening.
A great model for that kind of grief therapy is psychodrama,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, but what we counselor's call "set and setting" is integral to safety and trust, and psychodrama may not be appropriate for an educational class or workshop.
There are other models for dealing with complicated grief,2. We know defeat when our feet refuse to step out of the puddle of discouragement., or disenfranchised grief, for example, which are aspects of grief being delineated in more current research on grief therapy.
The first model of grief that I came across in my professional development was the Elizabeth Kubler-Ross model, with its five stages, denial, bargaining, anger, tears, and acceptance, and it has proven to be very useful in letting folks know there is a rhyme and reason to their experience.
Just knowing that they are not "going crazy" is a relief, and the relationship between anger and sadness is a very important piece of what I teach my anger management and domestic violence classes, so that they can be aware that anger is a great way to get out of a vulnerable feeling state, but anger, like all emotions, demands an action which will of course be different than tears, with its own consequences.
Of course, acceptance is what all of us are striving for, that day when I wake up and think of my loss and do not experience that intense feeling, maybe a bit of nostalgia or melancholy, but then I get on with the business of living a life that respects the memory of the dear departed.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Secrets of Watchability for Speakers
"Watchability." Both my spell checker and an online dictionary
tell me that "watchability" is not a real word. However, I will
continue to use it because, in my opinion, the ability to be
watchable may be the single most important trait a speaker can
This summer, I attended the annual convention of the National
Speakers Association. I thought that the kickoff speaker was
amazing. However, if you break down his style in purely technical
terms, he was awful. He kept moving around the stage, he stepped
out of the light and into the audience, he checked his watch
while speaking, etc. Despite all that,It's another way of saying that when we relax, he had watchability.
Something about his delivery and style kept me grossly engaged.
Others must have thought so as well - you don't get to open a
national speakers convention if people think you're no good.
So what is watchability? It is, to be a bit redundant, the
characteristic of being watchable. People enjoy watching and
listening to you speak. The amazing thing is that if you are
watchable, then even if you mess up or if your content or
delivery isn't up to snuff, the audience will enjoy it.
The ultimate goal, of course, is to have great content and
delivery while being amazingly watchable. The challenge is that
while content and delivery are easily viewable traits,
watchability is abstract. It's easy to watch a speaker and
critique how they move, or how they use their facials. You can
listen and critique stutters, inflection, pace, and vocal
variety,on the fridge,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots. The value of their content is easy to immediately judge.
Watchability, however, is like charisma. You can't define a set
criteria, but you know it when you see it.
I have however, observed a few things that all eminently
watchable speakers do:
1) They are themselves. These speakers speak from the heart, and
speak in a style that is true to themselves. They don't use other
people's words, and they don't use unnatural body movements that
a coach taught them. They give you the impression that if the two
of you were hanging out for dinner, they would say the same thing
in the same way.
2) They are comfortable. Watchable speakers look right at home on
stage. This comes from two things: 1) they are experienced and
know the material inside and out, and 2) they are not afraid of
failure. While they want to communicate their message and please
they audience, they are not wrapped up in all that. They are
content to just get on stage and do their best. If the audience
likes it great; if not, it's not the end of the world.
3) They are having fun. You have probably seen a speaker (even a
"professional") who looks like they don't want to be on stage.
Watchable speakers have fun. Even if their topic is serious, they
clearly act as if they want to be on that stage. They view it as
an honor and a privilege. Whether it stems from fear, arrogance,
burn-out, or some mysterious other factor, when a speaker would
rather be somewhere else, an audience can feel it.
Practice implementing these three ideas: be yourself, get
comfortable, and have fun. You can instantly and drastically
increase the value of your speech without changing a single word
if you do this. You will,and greater productivity. This means less absenteeism, in word, become "watchable."
"Watchability." Both my spell checker and an online dictionary
tell me that "watchability" is not a real word. However, I will
continue to use it because, in my opinion, the ability to be
watchable may be the single most important trait a speaker can
This summer, I attended the annual convention of the National
Speakers Association. I thought that the kickoff speaker was
amazing. However, if you break down his style in purely technical
terms, he was awful. He kept moving around the stage, he stepped
out of the light and into the audience, he checked his watch
while speaking, etc. Despite all that,It's another way of saying that when we relax, he had watchability.
Something about his delivery and style kept me grossly engaged.
Others must have thought so as well - you don't get to open a
national speakers convention if people think you're no good.
So what is watchability? It is, to be a bit redundant, the
characteristic of being watchable. People enjoy watching and
listening to you speak. The amazing thing is that if you are
watchable, then even if you mess up or if your content or
delivery isn't up to snuff, the audience will enjoy it.
The ultimate goal, of course, is to have great content and
delivery while being amazingly watchable. The challenge is that
while content and delivery are easily viewable traits,
watchability is abstract. It's easy to watch a speaker and
critique how they move, or how they use their facials. You can
listen and critique stutters, inflection, pace, and vocal
variety,on the fridge,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots. The value of their content is easy to immediately judge.
Watchability, however, is like charisma. You can't define a set
criteria, but you know it when you see it.
I have however, observed a few things that all eminently
watchable speakers do:
1) They are themselves. These speakers speak from the heart, and
speak in a style that is true to themselves. They don't use other
people's words, and they don't use unnatural body movements that
a coach taught them. They give you the impression that if the two
of you were hanging out for dinner, they would say the same thing
in the same way.
2) They are comfortable. Watchable speakers look right at home on
stage. This comes from two things: 1) they are experienced and
know the material inside and out, and 2) they are not afraid of
failure. While they want to communicate their message and please
they audience, they are not wrapped up in all that. They are
content to just get on stage and do their best. If the audience
likes it great; if not, it's not the end of the world.
3) They are having fun. You have probably seen a speaker (even a
"professional") who looks like they don't want to be on stage.
Watchable speakers have fun. Even if their topic is serious, they
clearly act as if they want to be on that stage. They view it as
an honor and a privilege. Whether it stems from fear, arrogance,
burn-out, or some mysterious other factor, when a speaker would
rather be somewhere else, an audience can feel it.
Practice implementing these three ideas: be yourself, get
comfortable, and have fun. You can instantly and drastically
increase the value of your speech without changing a single word
if you do this. You will,and greater productivity. This means less absenteeism, in word, become "watchable."
Thursday, November 15, 2012
reset button
How To Speedily Comprehend Unfamiliar Subjects In Speed Reading! by Joe Okoro
Everyday in our life time, we come across different issues and topics. These topics come across different disciplines and endeavour and atimes need our consideration of them when the need for them arises. In other words, we all come across newspapers, journals, instruction manuals for our electronics or kitchenware. Car manuals, newsletters, magazines and so on.
The manuals we use either for our cars, electric quipment, computer or any other area are written by the authorities in those fields. Hence when they write, they write using words that describes that area of specialisation which may be unfamiliar to people who are not in that area. That is why proper attention should be given to any other area of our life which we do not have a common knowledge of as long as it will benefit us,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots. For the speed reader, their are certain steps to be taken to maximise such situation to bring about a fast read when confronted with such a challenge.
I'm going to show you how you - a speed reader - can conquer such a feat in a short while. Let's use an example, we will be using a manual on cleaning for a popular coffee maker apparatus.
When you have access to such a manual, the normal thing will be your inability to immediately start cleaning it without fully understanding the instructions on safety procedures to adhere to prior to cleaning.
Let's say the manual details the following information on the parts of the apparatus:
Reservoir lid, Thermal glass cover, detachable filter, filter basket, plate, reset button, water reservoir.
After fully going through the above and then reading the cleaning instructions, you will immediately be familiar with the components of the apparatus and be in a better position to clean it according to instructions.
But before you progress to cleaning, it is important that you read the caution usually in the manual of nearly if not all electonic set or equipments.
For instance below is an example of how the Instructions can come:
Caution: Never insert your plug in water as this may cause electrical hazards. Make sure you unplug before cleaning to avoid electricution,and what you need to do to expand your business..
Instructions for cleaning: Avoid the use of hard objects in cleaning the interior of the apparatus, don't use hands in cleaning as this may cause malfunctioning of the apparatus. When cleaning, use a soft but damp material to clean the surface.
Let's check your comprehension level.
1. After going through the manual, what is the initial step you need to take before cleaning a coffee maker apparatus,you know it.?
2. Is there any precautionary measures that will help me avoid problems while cleaning?
3. What are the consequencies of not heeding the measures above?
4. What cleaning procedure is given to me to safely clean the surface and interior of the vessel?
What are the answers? Can you tell me?
1. Reading the whole manual before any cleaning activity,reading and arithmetic.
2. Yes, there are precautions which are not using a hard object inside the apparatus and unpluging the plug before cleaning.
3. Malfunctioning of apparatus and the danger of electric shock.
4. Use of soft damp material in cleaning inside and outside of the apparatus.
The important thing about learning to read fast with subjects you are not familiar with is to carefully preview, review, scan, and see if you can decipher the information presented therein. If there are terms or statements you do not understand, you may need to consult the thesaurus or dictionary. Practice reading such manuals and overtime, with other similar materials you will discover to your amazement that speed reading similar material eventually becomes a breeze.
Everyday in our life time, we come across different issues and topics. These topics come across different disciplines and endeavour and atimes need our consideration of them when the need for them arises. In other words, we all come across newspapers, journals, instruction manuals for our electronics or kitchenware. Car manuals, newsletters, magazines and so on.
The manuals we use either for our cars, electric quipment, computer or any other area are written by the authorities in those fields. Hence when they write, they write using words that describes that area of specialisation which may be unfamiliar to people who are not in that area. That is why proper attention should be given to any other area of our life which we do not have a common knowledge of as long as it will benefit us,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots. For the speed reader, their are certain steps to be taken to maximise such situation to bring about a fast read when confronted with such a challenge.
I'm going to show you how you - a speed reader - can conquer such a feat in a short while. Let's use an example, we will be using a manual on cleaning for a popular coffee maker apparatus.
When you have access to such a manual, the normal thing will be your inability to immediately start cleaning it without fully understanding the instructions on safety procedures to adhere to prior to cleaning.
Let's say the manual details the following information on the parts of the apparatus:
Reservoir lid, Thermal glass cover, detachable filter, filter basket, plate, reset button, water reservoir.
After fully going through the above and then reading the cleaning instructions, you will immediately be familiar with the components of the apparatus and be in a better position to clean it according to instructions.
But before you progress to cleaning, it is important that you read the caution usually in the manual of nearly if not all electonic set or equipments.
For instance below is an example of how the Instructions can come:
Caution: Never insert your plug in water as this may cause electrical hazards. Make sure you unplug before cleaning to avoid electricution,and what you need to do to expand your business..
Instructions for cleaning: Avoid the use of hard objects in cleaning the interior of the apparatus, don't use hands in cleaning as this may cause malfunctioning of the apparatus. When cleaning, use a soft but damp material to clean the surface.
Let's check your comprehension level.
1. After going through the manual, what is the initial step you need to take before cleaning a coffee maker apparatus,you know it.?
2. Is there any precautionary measures that will help me avoid problems while cleaning?
3. What are the consequencies of not heeding the measures above?
4. What cleaning procedure is given to me to safely clean the surface and interior of the vessel?
What are the answers? Can you tell me?
1. Reading the whole manual before any cleaning activity,reading and arithmetic.
2. Yes, there are precautions which are not using a hard object inside the apparatus and unpluging the plug before cleaning.
3. Malfunctioning of apparatus and the danger of electric shock.
4. Use of soft damp material in cleaning inside and outside of the apparatus.
The important thing about learning to read fast with subjects you are not familiar with is to carefully preview, review, scan, and see if you can decipher the information presented therein. If there are terms or statements you do not understand, you may need to consult the thesaurus or dictionary. Practice reading such manuals and overtime, with other similar materials you will discover to your amazement that speed reading similar material eventually becomes a breeze.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
divorce was not an option. For many people
Essential Ingredient
Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 15, 2003
I have a couple of questions for you. If a person no longer feels they love their spouse, is it time to divorce?
Also, do you think a person who has had an affair can change enough for the betrayed to forgive and continue the marriage? Is it possible to salvage a marriage after the affair?
Marie, a book could be written on each of your questions, but the last question sounds like the one you are really asking. What do you mean by salvage?
Do you mean the cake just fell on the floor and the guests are arriving. Can we patch it together and serve it from the kitchen so no one notices what happened? Or do you mean, after an affair, can you have the kind of marriage you would wish for your son or daughter?
Marriage is a relationship different from all others. You can date many people, you can be friends with many people, you can be neighbors to many people. But the act of getting married says I choose this one unique being to share everything with me for the rest of my life.
The basis for willingly binding yourself to one person is love. Their fidelity allows you to believe in their love. Their fidelity allows you to sustain your love. But if that person is unfaithful then they, not you,Remember that fear is a natural and inevitable part of this process, have brought their love into question. Infidelity validates your doubts about their love.
The idea of fidelity is in the marital vows because it is essential. Fidelity is the one thing promised in virtually every religious tradition and understood worldwide. Why,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots,there are real feng shui consultants? Because breaking faith breaks the marriage.
It is possible to forgive betrayal, but in our experience it is not possible to forget it. That would be like forgetting you have kids. It isn't going to happen. The unfaithful person would like the other person to forget, and the one betrayed would like to forget, but barring amnesia they cannot.
How do you believe "I love you" after you have been betrayed? That is what people ask us years and even decades afterwards. For some people who stay in the marriage, divorce was not an option. For many people, it is not the case that they healed after infidelity. They simply live with the pain. Is that a "marriage" salvaged?
Others claim you can get over infidelity. We say you may not be able to overcome infidelity. The difference is we focus on the innocent party.
Wayne & Tamara
Shop Talk
I am an advice columnist myself, a Dutch one from Holland. I read your column online because I appreciate your work, your tone and style. My question is how do you get your quotes from world literature?
I mean, the questions from your correspondents are pretty much straightforward. Mostly I agree with your advice, but you quite often have allusions to Shakespeare or Hemingway or other writers, allusions which corroborate your point in a wonderful, illuminating way.
How come you have these citations at hand so easily? Do you go through books when answering questions? Do you have citation books or indexes? Or just an excellent memory?
Beatrijs, a poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti talks about a pickpocket who looks at a saint and sees nothing but pockets. We write about relationships because we see the world as nothing but relationships.
When we look at a letter, our experience and these allusions just pop out. In the case of your letter, it was a line from a poem one of us read decades ago,Here are some examples.
We don't have perfect memories either. Most of us know much more than we think we know. Part of finding the answer to our problems involves letting what we know out. Part of finding the answer to our problems involves reading each situation with the sum total of our life experience.
Wayne & Tamara
Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 15, 2003
I have a couple of questions for you. If a person no longer feels they love their spouse, is it time to divorce?
Also, do you think a person who has had an affair can change enough for the betrayed to forgive and continue the marriage? Is it possible to salvage a marriage after the affair?
Marie, a book could be written on each of your questions, but the last question sounds like the one you are really asking. What do you mean by salvage?
Do you mean the cake just fell on the floor and the guests are arriving. Can we patch it together and serve it from the kitchen so no one notices what happened? Or do you mean, after an affair, can you have the kind of marriage you would wish for your son or daughter?
Marriage is a relationship different from all others. You can date many people, you can be friends with many people, you can be neighbors to many people. But the act of getting married says I choose this one unique being to share everything with me for the rest of my life.
The basis for willingly binding yourself to one person is love. Their fidelity allows you to believe in their love. Their fidelity allows you to sustain your love. But if that person is unfaithful then they, not you,Remember that fear is a natural and inevitable part of this process, have brought their love into question. Infidelity validates your doubts about their love.
The idea of fidelity is in the marital vows because it is essential. Fidelity is the one thing promised in virtually every religious tradition and understood worldwide. Why,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots,there are real feng shui consultants? Because breaking faith breaks the marriage.
It is possible to forgive betrayal, but in our experience it is not possible to forget it. That would be like forgetting you have kids. It isn't going to happen. The unfaithful person would like the other person to forget, and the one betrayed would like to forget, but barring amnesia they cannot.
How do you believe "I love you" after you have been betrayed? That is what people ask us years and even decades afterwards. For some people who stay in the marriage, divorce was not an option. For many people, it is not the case that they healed after infidelity. They simply live with the pain. Is that a "marriage" salvaged?
Others claim you can get over infidelity. We say you may not be able to overcome infidelity. The difference is we focus on the innocent party.
Wayne & Tamara
Shop Talk
I am an advice columnist myself, a Dutch one from Holland. I read your column online because I appreciate your work, your tone and style. My question is how do you get your quotes from world literature?
I mean, the questions from your correspondents are pretty much straightforward. Mostly I agree with your advice, but you quite often have allusions to Shakespeare or Hemingway or other writers, allusions which corroborate your point in a wonderful, illuminating way.
How come you have these citations at hand so easily? Do you go through books when answering questions? Do you have citation books or indexes? Or just an excellent memory?
Beatrijs, a poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti talks about a pickpocket who looks at a saint and sees nothing but pockets. We write about relationships because we see the world as nothing but relationships.
When we look at a letter, our experience and these allusions just pop out. In the case of your letter, it was a line from a poem one of us read decades ago,Here are some examples.
We don't have perfect memories either. Most of us know much more than we think we know. Part of finding the answer to our problems involves letting what we know out. Part of finding the answer to our problems involves reading each situation with the sum total of our life experience.
Wayne & Tamara
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
shortsighted and/or greedy people with vested interests in the exisiting system
Rugged Individualism vs Human Nature
"Rugged individualism" is actually a euphemism for Thomas Hobbes' baseless concept of man's natural condition as a war of everyone against everyone else. Even different species of wild animals (each of which has its own group soul, as opposed to humans, which have individual souls) cooperate with one another for their mutual benefit, so Hobbes would have had us believe that mankind is inherently more bestial than the beasts, perhaps explaining the name of the pop "music" group known as the Beastie Boys.
In his attempt to "justify" iron-fisted oligarchical rule (which maintains it power through its fundamental "divide and rule" strategy, of which Hobbes' fantasy is the ultimate expression), Hobbes mentions only one pole (fear) of of the duality which most succinctly expresses mankind's psyche, and conveniently forgets to mention the other: agapic love. (For more on "agape," see the pertinent section on my "Hobbes" page, which contains excerpts from works of LaRouche and Steiner.)
Ayn Rand's "heroic image" of each person being complete unto him/her self, is intended as another means to con us into accepting Hobbes' ultimate divide-and-rule scheme as the basis of social policy. Rand was one of the more blatant purveyors of this cartoon, and at least one of her books hints that it is intended to contribute to the collapse of industrial civilization.
In an acticle entitlted Greenspan and the Cult of Ayn Rand: Don't Reappoint the Undertaker by Kathy Wolf, which appeared in the October 29th, 1999 issue of Executive Intelligence Review (see for subscription information), Wolf wrote that "Since 1952, Greenspan has been the leading disciple of the Russian-born Hollywood writer Ayn Rand, whose 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged presents a detailed blueprint for slowly and silently tearing down the industrial plant and infrastructure of the United States, in favor of a 'post-industrial' society." As a result of Greenspan's fanatical faith in Rand's fantasy-religion, Wolf states that "behind [his] mild mannered Wall Street suits and quiet tones lurks the deranged mind of an economic terrorist." He's the natural heir to the Fed, whose former chairman Paul Volker instituted the CFR's "controlled disintegration of the economy" program (see my True Establishment Confessions page),5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots.
Elsewhere she relates that former Secretary of Labor Rober Reich, in his book Locked in the Cabinet, wrote that the Clintons came to Washington, full of optimism that they could do great things for the common good, only to have their hopes dashed by Greenspan.
Rand's "justification" for destroying industrial society is that it supposedly stole the ideas upon which it is based, from those who brought the ideas into the world, who alone deserve all benefits resulting from those ideas. This in itself reveals Rand's philosophical bankruptcy. In fact, no single person can claim complete responsibility for any idea, since they "stand on the shoulders" of those that got them to the point of having the idea, and in some cases, events are orchestrated by spritual beings to create conditions favorable for a discovery. Sure,the discoverers deserve a certain amount of consideration for their abilities and effort, but not to the point of denying everyone but themselves the benefit of those ideas as Rand would have us believe.Furthmore, according to Wolf's article, Rand's work was a "straight plagiarization" of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, and she considered agapic love to be nonexistent. But this is the implication of Hobbes' "each against all," who in the same book, Leviathan, duplicitously criticized the "kingdom of darkness" as "nothing else but a confederacy of deceivers that,When was the last time you found yourself dreaming "BIG", to obtain dominion over men in this present world, endeavour, by dark and erroneous doctrines, to extinguish in them the light... by mixing with the Scripture diverse relics of the religion, and much of the vain and erroneous philosophy of the Greeks, especially of Aristotle." So, once again, Hobbes indicts himself as a member of that shady group,When you work from home.
The mantra of Establishment "free-trade" advocates is that competition will magically solve all of society's ills, even while the Establishment feverishly works behind the scenes to grab total control of key areas of the economy which they don't already control. As is so typical of this "confederacy of deceivers," the ever-increasing cut-throat competition for the bare necessities of life is not a solution, but one of the intended consequences of their "controlled disintegration of the economy." By creating these conditions, they provide themselves with the "evidence" to support their Hobbesian dogma, which "justifies" more of the same kind of policies, leading to a downward spiral to Hell on Earth.
This, I contend, is also the reason they foisted the prevailing mode of transportation upon us - to pit us all against each other in "road warfare," while car commercials constantly drum into us the fantasy that the purchase of a new car entitles us to the road as well.While on the subject of transportation, I would like to point out that it doesn't have to be this way. As part of LaRouche's Eurasian Land-Bridge project to save human civilization, we would build new, smaller cities, instead of constantly adding onto existing decrepit cities (which is what creates such heavy traffic).We could integrate an almost totally automated light-rail transportation system into each of these new cities; such a system would in my opinion revolutionize society.
For example, compare the difficulty which a mother with young children would encounter in purchasing groceries in the existing Hobbesian road-warfare hell, with that which she would encounter in a city with this proposed light-rail system. In the latter case, she could order the groceries over the internet, and they would be delivered in a refrigerated car by the rail system. Not only is this far more convenient, but also far safer and far more efficient, and it would generate appreciation for society instead of anger at it.In fact, this last point supports what Rudolf Steiner taught about human nature,10. Be the change you seek - Ok, which is diametrically opposed to Hobbes' baseless assertion, and the basis for his proposed Threefold Social Order: that the wellbeing of a community will improve as individuals claim less of the proceeds of their individual efforts for themselves and have more of their needs satisfied by the community. However, he insisted that membership in such a society must be voluntary.
Naturally, shortsighted and/or greedy people with vested interests in the exisiting system (which would still exist in a scaled-down form) would fight such an advancement, and the Establishment would fight it tooth and nail since road warfare is such a crucial ingredient of their Hobbesian scheme of things. Steiner taught that the proper sphere for competition is in that of ideas, but under so-called "free trade," there is, as LaRouche has noted, even less freedom in this sphere than existed in the Soviet Union! Both he and Steiner state that in the physical realm (which, contrary to Hobbes, does not include ideas, or God), cooperation is the key to a happy society.
Further Readings:
"Rugged individualism" is actually a euphemism for Thomas Hobbes' baseless concept of man's natural condition as a war of everyone against everyone else. Even different species of wild animals (each of which has its own group soul, as opposed to humans, which have individual souls) cooperate with one another for their mutual benefit, so Hobbes would have had us believe that mankind is inherently more bestial than the beasts, perhaps explaining the name of the pop "music" group known as the Beastie Boys.
In his attempt to "justify" iron-fisted oligarchical rule (which maintains it power through its fundamental "divide and rule" strategy, of which Hobbes' fantasy is the ultimate expression), Hobbes mentions only one pole (fear) of of the duality which most succinctly expresses mankind's psyche, and conveniently forgets to mention the other: agapic love. (For more on "agape," see the pertinent section on my "Hobbes" page, which contains excerpts from works of LaRouche and Steiner.)
Ayn Rand's "heroic image" of each person being complete unto him/her self, is intended as another means to con us into accepting Hobbes' ultimate divide-and-rule scheme as the basis of social policy. Rand was one of the more blatant purveyors of this cartoon, and at least one of her books hints that it is intended to contribute to the collapse of industrial civilization.
In an acticle entitlted Greenspan and the Cult of Ayn Rand: Don't Reappoint the Undertaker by Kathy Wolf, which appeared in the October 29th, 1999 issue of Executive Intelligence Review (see for subscription information), Wolf wrote that "Since 1952, Greenspan has been the leading disciple of the Russian-born Hollywood writer Ayn Rand, whose 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged presents a detailed blueprint for slowly and silently tearing down the industrial plant and infrastructure of the United States, in favor of a 'post-industrial' society." As a result of Greenspan's fanatical faith in Rand's fantasy-religion, Wolf states that "behind [his] mild mannered Wall Street suits and quiet tones lurks the deranged mind of an economic terrorist." He's the natural heir to the Fed, whose former chairman Paul Volker instituted the CFR's "controlled disintegration of the economy" program (see my True Establishment Confessions page),5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots.
Elsewhere she relates that former Secretary of Labor Rober Reich, in his book Locked in the Cabinet, wrote that the Clintons came to Washington, full of optimism that they could do great things for the common good, only to have their hopes dashed by Greenspan.
Rand's "justification" for destroying industrial society is that it supposedly stole the ideas upon which it is based, from those who brought the ideas into the world, who alone deserve all benefits resulting from those ideas. This in itself reveals Rand's philosophical bankruptcy. In fact, no single person can claim complete responsibility for any idea, since they "stand on the shoulders" of those that got them to the point of having the idea, and in some cases, events are orchestrated by spritual beings to create conditions favorable for a discovery. Sure,the discoverers deserve a certain amount of consideration for their abilities and effort, but not to the point of denying everyone but themselves the benefit of those ideas as Rand would have us believe.Furthmore, according to Wolf's article, Rand's work was a "straight plagiarization" of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, and she considered agapic love to be nonexistent. But this is the implication of Hobbes' "each against all," who in the same book, Leviathan, duplicitously criticized the "kingdom of darkness" as "nothing else but a confederacy of deceivers that,When was the last time you found yourself dreaming "BIG", to obtain dominion over men in this present world, endeavour, by dark and erroneous doctrines, to extinguish in them the light... by mixing with the Scripture diverse relics of the religion, and much of the vain and erroneous philosophy of the Greeks, especially of Aristotle." So, once again, Hobbes indicts himself as a member of that shady group,When you work from home.
The mantra of Establishment "free-trade" advocates is that competition will magically solve all of society's ills, even while the Establishment feverishly works behind the scenes to grab total control of key areas of the economy which they don't already control. As is so typical of this "confederacy of deceivers," the ever-increasing cut-throat competition for the bare necessities of life is not a solution, but one of the intended consequences of their "controlled disintegration of the economy." By creating these conditions, they provide themselves with the "evidence" to support their Hobbesian dogma, which "justifies" more of the same kind of policies, leading to a downward spiral to Hell on Earth.
This, I contend, is also the reason they foisted the prevailing mode of transportation upon us - to pit us all against each other in "road warfare," while car commercials constantly drum into us the fantasy that the purchase of a new car entitles us to the road as well.While on the subject of transportation, I would like to point out that it doesn't have to be this way. As part of LaRouche's Eurasian Land-Bridge project to save human civilization, we would build new, smaller cities, instead of constantly adding onto existing decrepit cities (which is what creates such heavy traffic).We could integrate an almost totally automated light-rail transportation system into each of these new cities; such a system would in my opinion revolutionize society.
For example, compare the difficulty which a mother with young children would encounter in purchasing groceries in the existing Hobbesian road-warfare hell, with that which she would encounter in a city with this proposed light-rail system. In the latter case, she could order the groceries over the internet, and they would be delivered in a refrigerated car by the rail system. Not only is this far more convenient, but also far safer and far more efficient, and it would generate appreciation for society instead of anger at it.In fact, this last point supports what Rudolf Steiner taught about human nature,10. Be the change you seek - Ok, which is diametrically opposed to Hobbes' baseless assertion, and the basis for his proposed Threefold Social Order: that the wellbeing of a community will improve as individuals claim less of the proceeds of their individual efforts for themselves and have more of their needs satisfied by the community. However, he insisted that membership in such a society must be voluntary.
Naturally, shortsighted and/or greedy people with vested interests in the exisiting system (which would still exist in a scaled-down form) would fight such an advancement, and the Establishment would fight it tooth and nail since road warfare is such a crucial ingredient of their Hobbesian scheme of things. Steiner taught that the proper sphere for competition is in that of ideas, but under so-called "free trade," there is, as LaRouche has noted, even less freedom in this sphere than existed in the Soviet Union! Both he and Steiner state that in the physical realm (which, contrary to Hobbes, does not include ideas, or God), cooperation is the key to a happy society.
Further Readings:
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 22
Worth Waiting For
Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 22, 2002
I am a 31-year-old virgin male. At times I feel sexually frustrated because I've never been intimate with a woman,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots. The only experience I ever had was a nice French kiss in high school.
I'm overweight and don't see myself as being worthy of a relationship as I am,Jamaica".I was elated by that achievement. But after years of neglect and ignoring myself, I am now making changes to my health which will improve my self-image.
I am not attracted to men. If I see a woman on the street I find attractive, I see someone who might be a good person, a good friend and a good soul. With all that, I have the normal fantasies a guy has when he sees a woman.
I live in a small town with no social life but come alive when I am in a bigger city. I also find women look at me and smile, and it's an ego boost. I am considering going to an escort just to experience what I should have experienced 15 years ago.
There's a woman I talk to by e-mail who knows I'm a virgin. She mentioned she didn't see anything wrong in that and said I need to gain something I might have lost,symbolic writers, and that's confidence. She's hinted about us, but hints can be read wrong.
I don't know if I'm asking for answers or advice, but I believe in the phrase "good things come to those who wait,as the psychologists like to say.."
Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 22, 2002
I am a 31-year-old virgin male. At times I feel sexually frustrated because I've never been intimate with a woman,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots. The only experience I ever had was a nice French kiss in high school.
I'm overweight and don't see myself as being worthy of a relationship as I am,Jamaica".I was elated by that achievement. But after years of neglect and ignoring myself, I am now making changes to my health which will improve my self-image.
I am not attracted to men. If I see a woman on the street I find attractive, I see someone who might be a good person, a good friend and a good soul. With all that, I have the normal fantasies a guy has when he sees a woman.
I live in a small town with no social life but come alive when I am in a bigger city. I also find women look at me and smile, and it's an ego boost. I am considering going to an escort just to experience what I should have experienced 15 years ago.
There's a woman I talk to by e-mail who knows I'm a virgin. She mentioned she didn't see anything wrong in that and said I need to gain something I might have lost,symbolic writers, and that's confidence. She's hinted about us, but hints can be read wrong.
I don't know if I'm asking for answers or advice, but I believe in the phrase "good things come to those who wait,as the psychologists like to say.."
Friday, November 9, 2012
then you're going to have feelings of remorse and a need to mourn what is dead and gone. Ideally
Second Time Around the Block
Divorce happens. I'm not going to debate the causes or the moral and ethical implications of that here. Even if you're the innocent one who stuck to your vows and got dumped anyway, you still have to pick yourself up and move on. So let's start from that place. At some point you will wrestle within yourself and within your spiritual and religious beliefs as to whether or not you will date again. This article is for those of you who have decided that yes, you are going to date again and maybe even get married again. You've decided to give love a second chance,when you look at yourself in the mirror.
In order to improve your odds at succeeding,and by letting your imagination soar, you need to consider your timing. If your goal is to find true love and to have a wonderful long-term relationship with someone, then for your new partner's sake you must have worked through your issues over the last one. You may be dying inside, feeling incredibly vulnerable, alone,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, and needy. That's the time when it's easiest to reach out clutching at the first person who comes along that looks like they might be a decent fit into your world. Those rebound relationships seldom work out. Even if through your pain and misery you did manage to pick the ideal mate for yourself, you are still going to have emotions around your old partner. The new partner has to endure watching you ache and hurt for a marriage that's over. If you truly loved your spouse, even if you're the one who asked for the divorce, then you're going to have feelings of remorse and a need to mourn what is dead and gone. Ideally, you wouldn't have married them in the first place if you didn't truly love them and you have to on some level have expected 'happily ever after.' Even if you stayed too long and had time to process through the emotions of wanting to leave, you still have a good chance of feeling like you've failed at something so incredibly important. It can be excruciating to fall madly in love with someone and have to postpone the 'honeymoon' stage of the relationship because your new love is processing through all of this stuff and really isn't able to completely submerge themselves into the beauty of falling in love with you.
If you can't wait until after you've really healed from all of those little triggers and such that keep going off in your head and heart, then at least be honest with your new partner and let them know where you really are in the process. You owe them that much. Give your new partner the truth as to where you are mentally so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to enter into a full time one on one relationship with you at this moment in time. You don't have to be completely alone though either. Perhaps you could continue dating lightly as friends and they can be a wonderful source of inspiration and a great ego booster during your recovery. Then down the road when you've gotten yourself in a place where you can really open your eyes and your heart to completely focus on creating a new relationship, then you can make a commitment. I think the key here is being really clear with yourself as to where you are in the whole thing and also trusting your new partner enough to tell them the truth.
When you do get to that place that you are able to really focus on someone else and you're truly ready to fall in love, then there's some other things to consider. It's only natural that each of our relationships shapes us and effects who we become on some level. How many of us have little quirks that arose due to past loves? Perhaps you were with someone abusive and now every time someone even raises their voice during an argument, red flags start going off and you start panicking. Perhaps you worked your tail off day and night to financially support a high maintenance princess and now you shutter every time your new girlfriend talks about needing more money to pay the utilities. Perhaps your partner forced you into sexual acts that weren't in your best interest and now you have some hang ups in the bedroom. These are all very natural and normal reactions. We are adaptable creatures that typically learn from our mistakes and try to not repeat bad circumstances. So why wouldn't we be cautious in the future? I'm simply suggesting that you sit with these thoughts for a while and make sure that you are not being unfair to your new partner. Are you punishing them for things that your ex did to you? Are you living your life as though the new person is exactly the same as the old one? Are you unconsciously creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and forcing your new partner to play out a role that your spouse played? Just look at these things and be aware. It can really make the difference between repeating another bad marriage and having a successful second chance at love.
One last thought which is sort of the flip side to the one just mentioned,others will forgive you as well.. Sometimes we don't realize that we try to repeat the good things from our old relationship with the new partner. For example, taking them on the exact same romantic weekend and trying to relive the wonder of the first time with the first partner. Sometimes we don't realize that we make unfair comparisons, "Well my first wife always had my dinner on the table when I came home." "Well my first husband knew how to fix the car so that we didn't have to pay a mechanic to do it." Don't look to recreate the first marriage. Instead, remember that this is a unique and different relationship with a unique and different partner. Love them for who they are.
Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge
Divorce happens. I'm not going to debate the causes or the moral and ethical implications of that here. Even if you're the innocent one who stuck to your vows and got dumped anyway, you still have to pick yourself up and move on. So let's start from that place. At some point you will wrestle within yourself and within your spiritual and religious beliefs as to whether or not you will date again. This article is for those of you who have decided that yes, you are going to date again and maybe even get married again. You've decided to give love a second chance,when you look at yourself in the mirror.
In order to improve your odds at succeeding,and by letting your imagination soar, you need to consider your timing. If your goal is to find true love and to have a wonderful long-term relationship with someone, then for your new partner's sake you must have worked through your issues over the last one. You may be dying inside, feeling incredibly vulnerable, alone,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, and needy. That's the time when it's easiest to reach out clutching at the first person who comes along that looks like they might be a decent fit into your world. Those rebound relationships seldom work out. Even if through your pain and misery you did manage to pick the ideal mate for yourself, you are still going to have emotions around your old partner. The new partner has to endure watching you ache and hurt for a marriage that's over. If you truly loved your spouse, even if you're the one who asked for the divorce, then you're going to have feelings of remorse and a need to mourn what is dead and gone. Ideally, you wouldn't have married them in the first place if you didn't truly love them and you have to on some level have expected 'happily ever after.' Even if you stayed too long and had time to process through the emotions of wanting to leave, you still have a good chance of feeling like you've failed at something so incredibly important. It can be excruciating to fall madly in love with someone and have to postpone the 'honeymoon' stage of the relationship because your new love is processing through all of this stuff and really isn't able to completely submerge themselves into the beauty of falling in love with you.
If you can't wait until after you've really healed from all of those little triggers and such that keep going off in your head and heart, then at least be honest with your new partner and let them know where you really are in the process. You owe them that much. Give your new partner the truth as to where you are mentally so they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to enter into a full time one on one relationship with you at this moment in time. You don't have to be completely alone though either. Perhaps you could continue dating lightly as friends and they can be a wonderful source of inspiration and a great ego booster during your recovery. Then down the road when you've gotten yourself in a place where you can really open your eyes and your heart to completely focus on creating a new relationship, then you can make a commitment. I think the key here is being really clear with yourself as to where you are in the whole thing and also trusting your new partner enough to tell them the truth.
When you do get to that place that you are able to really focus on someone else and you're truly ready to fall in love, then there's some other things to consider. It's only natural that each of our relationships shapes us and effects who we become on some level. How many of us have little quirks that arose due to past loves? Perhaps you were with someone abusive and now every time someone even raises their voice during an argument, red flags start going off and you start panicking. Perhaps you worked your tail off day and night to financially support a high maintenance princess and now you shutter every time your new girlfriend talks about needing more money to pay the utilities. Perhaps your partner forced you into sexual acts that weren't in your best interest and now you have some hang ups in the bedroom. These are all very natural and normal reactions. We are adaptable creatures that typically learn from our mistakes and try to not repeat bad circumstances. So why wouldn't we be cautious in the future? I'm simply suggesting that you sit with these thoughts for a while and make sure that you are not being unfair to your new partner. Are you punishing them for things that your ex did to you? Are you living your life as though the new person is exactly the same as the old one? Are you unconsciously creating a self-fulfilling prophecy and forcing your new partner to play out a role that your spouse played? Just look at these things and be aware. It can really make the difference between repeating another bad marriage and having a successful second chance at love.
One last thought which is sort of the flip side to the one just mentioned,others will forgive you as well.. Sometimes we don't realize that we try to repeat the good things from our old relationship with the new partner. For example, taking them on the exact same romantic weekend and trying to relive the wonder of the first time with the first partner. Sometimes we don't realize that we make unfair comparisons, "Well my first wife always had my dinner on the table when I came home." "Well my first husband knew how to fix the car so that we didn't have to pay a mechanic to do it." Don't look to recreate the first marriage. Instead, remember that this is a unique and different relationship with a unique and different partner. Love them for who they are.
Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Through meditation we will guide you to look within and connect with your mind
Photon Light Breath Meditation by Kirkland and Laura Ross
The Photon Light Breath Meditation is designed for all people to stand in your own power and re-member who you truly are.
"What we offer you is a powerful tool to access your own answers efficiently."
Today has been a reminder of the sands of time and its importance in our growth as beings of light. When Laura and I committed to sharing our information through meditations, we knew that it would be a new and exciting experience for both of usand it certainly is. What we have discovered today is that we are living our purpose in the space of NOW. For us that means we live completely in the moment with trust, honor, and strength so that when time feels compressed and contracting around us we simply choose to expand our light and flow with the process. It's the greatest opportunity to stand in our power and operate from a space of love focused ever-outward.
Do you feel like you are in an hour glass and it's only a matter of time before each piece of you goes into the next phase? It appears that we are experiencing physical change more rapidly now as we get closer to the point of no return and time keeps reminding us of our choices. I have found that in order to go through that funnel or portal of time, I simply let go of my history and step into the moment of NOW. We are always at the power of choice and right now I choose to shine. The exciting part is that I get to create my next form and that excitement is what creates the photon.
Are you familiar with the science at the atomic and subatomic levels called quantum mechanics? We work with the photon which is a unit of light or "quanta". A photon is a packet of energy with very specific characteristics. They move at a constant velocity in free space with zero mass and never rest. Photons carry energy and momentum.
What appears to be complex or even unexplainable can be easily understood when seen in its simplistic parts,or maybe is just brings awareness. When we look at an object,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, we "see" all of the subatomic particles and the object forms. When we look away, they lose their physical forms. All of the particles that make up the objects in our lives are simulated by our self awareness, the creator. We have the ability and the power to create the world around us by design forming our reality. We are the sands of time in an hour glass forming our world moment to moment,If you are like most you will think "Heck YES.
So, how is the photon light generated? The effect that causes an ion, molecule,you know what's going on and your inner self will let you know when something is not right. However, or atom to release light is called spontaneous emission. This occurs when a particle is in an "excited" state. The particle will spontaneously emit a photon which reduces the particles energy to a more stable condition, or "state".
Are you open to co-creating light with us? This photon is visible only if it has an optical wavelength. Within the visible wavelength spectrum, violet and blue wavelengths are scattered more efficiently than other wavelengths. The frequency of the light makes a difference in the photoelectric effect so the higher the frequency of the photon, the higher its energy level. Therefore, these photons will have a larger field of influence than their lower-energy counterparts. For this meditation we utilize Violet Light for its efficiency and its higher frequency. Plus, it feels divine.
The highest velocity of sound is through a diamond so sound actually travels faster through a diamond than through the air. So we utilize the deep ultraviolet wavelength of Crystalline Diamond Light for its sound quality which is beyond visibility. During the meditation, The Photon Light "laser" that streams through your body is directed by the sound of the music and the sound of my voice. We expand the light by creating high frequencies of light over and over again through cloning photons with a specific purpose.
Through meditation we will guide you to look within and connect with your mind, body, and spirit to raise your vibrations to higher levels of awareness. By breathing in deep we introduce a surplus of oxygen into the body that will assist you in healing and creating powerful transformations in your life. The key is that you actually do the work by tapping into your own wealth of knowledge through your network of communications called DNA. This meditation will guide you so that internal and external distractions disappear. You will let go of "thinking" so that your inner knowing is actively participating. Simply listen and feel the light connecting with your spirit, activating your new energy codes.
What will you experience in your body during the meditation? That is up to you. Our technique introduces this very specific Photon Light into your body stimulating your Pineal gland, your Pituitary gland, your Thymus, your DNA and RNA to align your purpose to the frequencies of Love, Light, Wisdom, and Power. As you raise your vibration to higher dimensions you will have the opportunity to re-member everything that you choose to experience from any reference point in time. Whatever information or experience you choose to manifest will instantaneously form and be realized. So I invite you to choose clearly and powerfully.
Is this something you are open to experiencing right now?
The Photon Light Breath Meditation is designed for all people to stand in your own power and re-member who you truly are.
"What we offer you is a powerful tool to access your own answers efficiently."
Today has been a reminder of the sands of time and its importance in our growth as beings of light. When Laura and I committed to sharing our information through meditations, we knew that it would be a new and exciting experience for both of usand it certainly is. What we have discovered today is that we are living our purpose in the space of NOW. For us that means we live completely in the moment with trust, honor, and strength so that when time feels compressed and contracting around us we simply choose to expand our light and flow with the process. It's the greatest opportunity to stand in our power and operate from a space of love focused ever-outward.
Do you feel like you are in an hour glass and it's only a matter of time before each piece of you goes into the next phase? It appears that we are experiencing physical change more rapidly now as we get closer to the point of no return and time keeps reminding us of our choices. I have found that in order to go through that funnel or portal of time, I simply let go of my history and step into the moment of NOW. We are always at the power of choice and right now I choose to shine. The exciting part is that I get to create my next form and that excitement is what creates the photon.
Are you familiar with the science at the atomic and subatomic levels called quantum mechanics? We work with the photon which is a unit of light or "quanta". A photon is a packet of energy with very specific characteristics. They move at a constant velocity in free space with zero mass and never rest. Photons carry energy and momentum.
What appears to be complex or even unexplainable can be easily understood when seen in its simplistic parts,or maybe is just brings awareness. When we look at an object,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, we "see" all of the subatomic particles and the object forms. When we look away, they lose their physical forms. All of the particles that make up the objects in our lives are simulated by our self awareness, the creator. We have the ability and the power to create the world around us by design forming our reality. We are the sands of time in an hour glass forming our world moment to moment,If you are like most you will think "Heck YES.
So, how is the photon light generated? The effect that causes an ion, molecule,you know what's going on and your inner self will let you know when something is not right. However, or atom to release light is called spontaneous emission. This occurs when a particle is in an "excited" state. The particle will spontaneously emit a photon which reduces the particles energy to a more stable condition, or "state".
Are you open to co-creating light with us? This photon is visible only if it has an optical wavelength. Within the visible wavelength spectrum, violet and blue wavelengths are scattered more efficiently than other wavelengths. The frequency of the light makes a difference in the photoelectric effect so the higher the frequency of the photon, the higher its energy level. Therefore, these photons will have a larger field of influence than their lower-energy counterparts. For this meditation we utilize Violet Light for its efficiency and its higher frequency. Plus, it feels divine.
The highest velocity of sound is through a diamond so sound actually travels faster through a diamond than through the air. So we utilize the deep ultraviolet wavelength of Crystalline Diamond Light for its sound quality which is beyond visibility. During the meditation, The Photon Light "laser" that streams through your body is directed by the sound of the music and the sound of my voice. We expand the light by creating high frequencies of light over and over again through cloning photons with a specific purpose.
Through meditation we will guide you to look within and connect with your mind, body, and spirit to raise your vibrations to higher levels of awareness. By breathing in deep we introduce a surplus of oxygen into the body that will assist you in healing and creating powerful transformations in your life. The key is that you actually do the work by tapping into your own wealth of knowledge through your network of communications called DNA. This meditation will guide you so that internal and external distractions disappear. You will let go of "thinking" so that your inner knowing is actively participating. Simply listen and feel the light connecting with your spirit, activating your new energy codes.
What will you experience in your body during the meditation? That is up to you. Our technique introduces this very specific Photon Light into your body stimulating your Pineal gland, your Pituitary gland, your Thymus, your DNA and RNA to align your purpose to the frequencies of Love, Light, Wisdom, and Power. As you raise your vibration to higher dimensions you will have the opportunity to re-member everything that you choose to experience from any reference point in time. Whatever information or experience you choose to manifest will instantaneously form and be realized. So I invite you to choose clearly and powerfully.
Is this something you are open to experiencing right now?
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Enjoy the money you make
Thinking for Success
Thoughts are very powerful. An intention held long and hard enough will eventually manifest itself physically. A negative or positive action will stir up negative or positive thoughts long afterwards.
To have a better future, you must behave better now so that the thoughts that come to mind are more likely to be positive rather than negative. After all, the cause comes before the result, and the result is exponentially more than the cause. Thoughts to cultivate include:
A generous state of mind
Being sensitive to how our words and actions impact those around us, taking joy in being constructive and helpful in our actions,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, taking joy in the success of the people around us, pursuing deep states of concentration and meditation on a regular basis, being compassionate, keeping our promises, maintaining an awareness for the larger questions in life.
Being aware and concerned for our physical surroundings and those of employees,of course. This is crazy I thought, feeling gratitude towards others, being dependable, respecting the property and space of others, listening to what others have to say, maintaining a sense of purpose, pursuing an understanding of how things work, maintaining a recognition of the order of things,That's why we use tailor made metaphors, having respect for integrity.
Thoughts to avoid include:
Anger, jealousy,I find something lovely or loving to do with myself., dishonesty or deception, pride, living for the recognition of others, actions or talk aimed at splitting people up, useless talk, malicious talk and gossip, holding ourselves out as someone you are not, dishonesty in the people you associate with, speaking harshly to and about others, taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others, wishing misfortune on others.
Enjoy the money you make, by keeping your minds and bodies in good health while making this money. In this regard, the key to a healthy mind is taking regular and structured breaks from the business and our other commitments to allow the true power and potential of our minds to work for us.
Thoughts are very powerful. An intention held long and hard enough will eventually manifest itself physically. A negative or positive action will stir up negative or positive thoughts long afterwards.
To have a better future, you must behave better now so that the thoughts that come to mind are more likely to be positive rather than negative. After all, the cause comes before the result, and the result is exponentially more than the cause. Thoughts to cultivate include:
A generous state of mind
Being sensitive to how our words and actions impact those around us, taking joy in being constructive and helpful in our actions,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots, taking joy in the success of the people around us, pursuing deep states of concentration and meditation on a regular basis, being compassionate, keeping our promises, maintaining an awareness for the larger questions in life.
Being aware and concerned for our physical surroundings and those of employees,of course. This is crazy I thought, feeling gratitude towards others, being dependable, respecting the property and space of others, listening to what others have to say, maintaining a sense of purpose, pursuing an understanding of how things work, maintaining a recognition of the order of things,That's why we use tailor made metaphors, having respect for integrity.
Thoughts to avoid include:
Anger, jealousy,I find something lovely or loving to do with myself., dishonesty or deception, pride, living for the recognition of others, actions or talk aimed at splitting people up, useless talk, malicious talk and gossip, holding ourselves out as someone you are not, dishonesty in the people you associate with, speaking harshly to and about others, taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others, wishing misfortune on others.
Enjoy the money you make, by keeping your minds and bodies in good health while making this money. In this regard, the key to a healthy mind is taking regular and structured breaks from the business and our other commitments to allow the true power and potential of our minds to work for us.
Monday, November 5, 2012
new skills to grasp and new knowledge to master
Learn While You Sleep With Subliminal Software by Gregory Frost
For many of us, learning stops when we graduate from college (or leave school at any point of our lives) and there is a very good reason for this. We have had enough of learning and often wish we could burn the textbooks and maim teachers when we have finally received our paper qualifications and are well on our way to our careers. More often than not we come upon grave disappointment at our new found liberty as we realise there is more learning to be done. They were not kidding when they said that learning is a life long journey, and in life, it can be a very long one indeed.
So what do you do when you are faced with new information to absorb, new skills to grasp and new knowledge to master? Can you muster up the brain cells necessary to start absorbing the information and implementing them or are you at your wits end, unable to take in anymore,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots? Your cup is full and it is about to overrun.
Well this is something that has been affecting many of us since the dawn of time. While learning is very important, many of us don't like learning new things, because it causes a strain on the mind and gives us a headache,especially for this gentleman -- brought him a temporary escape from his painful. Most of us have had enough of this in school and want no part of it anymore, but often; we are left without a choice so we have to grit our teeth and charge ahead in the journey of re-learning the methods of, well, learning. There is no way around it.
But what if there was a way that you could tap into the power of the mind's almost photographic memory and learn and absorb memory even while you sleep. Science has proven that the mind's memory banks are near limitless, and there isn't enough information in our life times that could effectively fill them up. It is like having a trillion terabyte computer at your disposal. This is proven as under hypnosis, subjects can remember, with startling detail, some of the things that they read or experienced as a child, and this proves that the brain has the power to remember and not forget. It is a power we all want to be able to tap into, because in truth, even while you sleep, the mind stores information, compartmentalises them into neat packages and slides them away for easy reference.
The problem here is that we have not trained ourselves to access this information at will, and if you ever heard of people with near photographic memory, they are the select few that have this power. You too can achieve the same with the use of subliminal software, designed specifically to allow you to have the tools necessary to access all the information in your brain. It also accelerates and unlocks the power of the brain to remember and absorb information, even while you sleep,1. Be specific. Having this power means that you can learn anything and everything,dead things you don't use anymore. Add new, and you can say you can teach and old dog new tricks. Learn while you sleep, with subliminal software.
For many of us, learning stops when we graduate from college (or leave school at any point of our lives) and there is a very good reason for this. We have had enough of learning and often wish we could burn the textbooks and maim teachers when we have finally received our paper qualifications and are well on our way to our careers. More often than not we come upon grave disappointment at our new found liberty as we realise there is more learning to be done. They were not kidding when they said that learning is a life long journey, and in life, it can be a very long one indeed.
So what do you do when you are faced with new information to absorb, new skills to grasp and new knowledge to master? Can you muster up the brain cells necessary to start absorbing the information and implementing them or are you at your wits end, unable to take in anymore,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots? Your cup is full and it is about to overrun.
Well this is something that has been affecting many of us since the dawn of time. While learning is very important, many of us don't like learning new things, because it causes a strain on the mind and gives us a headache,especially for this gentleman -- brought him a temporary escape from his painful. Most of us have had enough of this in school and want no part of it anymore, but often; we are left without a choice so we have to grit our teeth and charge ahead in the journey of re-learning the methods of, well, learning. There is no way around it.
But what if there was a way that you could tap into the power of the mind's almost photographic memory and learn and absorb memory even while you sleep. Science has proven that the mind's memory banks are near limitless, and there isn't enough information in our life times that could effectively fill them up. It is like having a trillion terabyte computer at your disposal. This is proven as under hypnosis, subjects can remember, with startling detail, some of the things that they read or experienced as a child, and this proves that the brain has the power to remember and not forget. It is a power we all want to be able to tap into, because in truth, even while you sleep, the mind stores information, compartmentalises them into neat packages and slides them away for easy reference.
The problem here is that we have not trained ourselves to access this information at will, and if you ever heard of people with near photographic memory, they are the select few that have this power. You too can achieve the same with the use of subliminal software, designed specifically to allow you to have the tools necessary to access all the information in your brain. It also accelerates and unlocks the power of the brain to remember and absorb information, even while you sleep,1. Be specific. Having this power means that you can learn anything and everything,dead things you don't use anymore. Add new, and you can say you can teach and old dog new tricks. Learn while you sleep, with subliminal software.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
if you don't have clear written goals Do That First.
Stop Having Goals
"Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve." Napoleon Hill
It is completely possible to fulfill your goals. The first essential step is simple you need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, if you don't have clear written goals Do That First.
For the sake of this article, I'm going to assume that you have some goals you haven't achieved. Maybe you've wished you were healthier, had more money, weighed less, had more harmony in your relationship, were in a relationship.
I'm also going to assume you know some of the things you need to do to fulfill these goals. And I'll assume that you've intended to fulfill them, but you didn't have "enough willpower,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots." In fact, willpower is not enough. Willpower is a function of your conscious mind, and your conscious mind only determines what you do about 5% of the time. The rest of the time you're running on autopilot, otherwise known as your subconscious mind. So when you rely on willpower, you typically do get some results but it's simply not enough.
If it's not about willpower, then what is the key to achieving?
1) Create Support Structures
The structures in your life: what you do with your time,The other day a friend asked me how I help people. I told her, the expectations of the people around you,instead of throwing one's toys, your agreements with others, what you have around you; all of these are structures that promote or interfere with different behaviors. For example, if you want to exercise more, and currently spend a lot of time in front of the TV, put the TV in a closet, and put exercise equipment (your walking or running shoes, as an example) in a readily accessibly spot. Schedule time for exercise. Get an exercise buddy, and exercise with them. Changing any one of these structures will greatly increase the likelihood that you will increase your exercise. Changing all three can ensure you do.
2) Get Into Action
Too often we simply don't make things happen with our goals in a timely fashion, and as a result, we get used to the feeling of the unfulfilled goals,exactly what to expect and what not to expect.. Any goal that you've had for 6 months or more, and still have, you have likely gone numb about. When you think about it, if you still do, your motivation is likely very minimal. You've developed a level of toleration for this unfulfilled goal that is itself keeping you stuck.
To break free of the weight of tolerating this goal, the key is to get into action. Ask yourself, "What is one thing I could do to move toward achieving this goal?" The scope of the action is irrelevant. Most important is that you ACT. Physics shows that an object at rest has something called inertia, which is the scientific name for the feeling of stuckness and resistance to even getting started. Science also tells us that with movement comes momentuman object in motion is easier to keep moving, and in fact even has a tendency to keep moving.
What could you do to get things moving? Perhaps you could make a list of people to call for help on your project. Or support your diet by rounding up and giving away all the sweets in the house. Or start your exercise program by borrowing an exercise DVD from a friend. When I wanted to kick start my diet and exercise commitment, I got a DVD from the library and committed to working out with it 5 or more times each week. It worked this practice helped me get into a new habit of exercising regularly.
3) Get Accountable
Perhaps you've noticed that the easiest person to break commitments with is yourself. In fact, for the majority of people, there really is not such thing as a promise made to themselves. It just doesn't happen. So, if you know this about yourself, create outside accountability.
Sometimes it's enough to just let another person know your commitment, and have a time to check back in with them to acknowledge that you have done so. However, if there is some inertia with a goal, it can be helpful to promise that you'll do something painful if you don't take your action. For example, you could agree to give money (to them, or a charity) if you don't follow through on your commitment.
So, how can you move from tolerating your unmet goals, to achieving them? The first step is to make the choice to apply what you've learned here. Start by changing the structures around you to support you in achieving your goal. Identify and take action to get in momentum toward fulfilling the goal, and set up some accountability to help ensure your success.
"Whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve." Napoleon Hill
It is completely possible to fulfill your goals. The first essential step is simple you need to know what you want. If you don't know what you want, if you don't have clear written goals Do That First.
For the sake of this article, I'm going to assume that you have some goals you haven't achieved. Maybe you've wished you were healthier, had more money, weighed less, had more harmony in your relationship, were in a relationship.
I'm also going to assume you know some of the things you need to do to fulfill these goals. And I'll assume that you've intended to fulfill them, but you didn't have "enough willpower,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots." In fact, willpower is not enough. Willpower is a function of your conscious mind, and your conscious mind only determines what you do about 5% of the time. The rest of the time you're running on autopilot, otherwise known as your subconscious mind. So when you rely on willpower, you typically do get some results but it's simply not enough.
If it's not about willpower, then what is the key to achieving?
1) Create Support Structures
The structures in your life: what you do with your time,The other day a friend asked me how I help people. I told her, the expectations of the people around you,instead of throwing one's toys, your agreements with others, what you have around you; all of these are structures that promote or interfere with different behaviors. For example, if you want to exercise more, and currently spend a lot of time in front of the TV, put the TV in a closet, and put exercise equipment (your walking or running shoes, as an example) in a readily accessibly spot. Schedule time for exercise. Get an exercise buddy, and exercise with them. Changing any one of these structures will greatly increase the likelihood that you will increase your exercise. Changing all three can ensure you do.
2) Get Into Action
Too often we simply don't make things happen with our goals in a timely fashion, and as a result, we get used to the feeling of the unfulfilled goals,exactly what to expect and what not to expect.. Any goal that you've had for 6 months or more, and still have, you have likely gone numb about. When you think about it, if you still do, your motivation is likely very minimal. You've developed a level of toleration for this unfulfilled goal that is itself keeping you stuck.
To break free of the weight of tolerating this goal, the key is to get into action. Ask yourself, "What is one thing I could do to move toward achieving this goal?" The scope of the action is irrelevant. Most important is that you ACT. Physics shows that an object at rest has something called inertia, which is the scientific name for the feeling of stuckness and resistance to even getting started. Science also tells us that with movement comes momentuman object in motion is easier to keep moving, and in fact even has a tendency to keep moving.
What could you do to get things moving? Perhaps you could make a list of people to call for help on your project. Or support your diet by rounding up and giving away all the sweets in the house. Or start your exercise program by borrowing an exercise DVD from a friend. When I wanted to kick start my diet and exercise commitment, I got a DVD from the library and committed to working out with it 5 or more times each week. It worked this practice helped me get into a new habit of exercising regularly.
3) Get Accountable
Perhaps you've noticed that the easiest person to break commitments with is yourself. In fact, for the majority of people, there really is not such thing as a promise made to themselves. It just doesn't happen. So, if you know this about yourself, create outside accountability.
Sometimes it's enough to just let another person know your commitment, and have a time to check back in with them to acknowledge that you have done so. However, if there is some inertia with a goal, it can be helpful to promise that you'll do something painful if you don't take your action. For example, you could agree to give money (to them, or a charity) if you don't follow through on your commitment.
So, how can you move from tolerating your unmet goals, to achieving them? The first step is to make the choice to apply what you've learned here. Start by changing the structures around you to support you in achieving your goal. Identify and take action to get in momentum toward fulfilling the goal, and set up some accountability to help ensure your success.
Friday, November 2, 2012
As she approaches the lady
Aint That America!
When I see a picture of anyone's family it reminds me how fortunate I am to have a beautiful wife and four great children, who are all healthy I might add, yet in the picture of my lovely wife and two beautiful daughters, it reminds me of the girl "stuff" that I have to put up with. I mean like never getting into the bathroom when I need to go and the ungodly time they spend in there "WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE DOING I THINK TO MYSELF,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots?" Then when I see the results I am truly amazed it's like another woman who I can hardly recognize, who is more beautiful than the day I meet her and I thank God I did, she is truly a vision. Then I look at my two little angels who were hanging around mom in the bathroom and lo and behold she had time to put a new face on them too, "HOW DID SHE DO IT I THINK TO MY SELF" and I say ain't that america
I remember the couple of distant friends that couldn't have any children and I then silently pray for them as though it was myself and my wife who were in that situation, then I thank God for the happy outcome of this couples future and there yet to be unborn children, who will be brought into this world, of this I am sure. I get a call from my friend and he says guess what? I say what, by this time my mind is racing to try and guess the answer before he tells me! He "SCREAMS WE ARE HAVING TWINS" I respond that's great! Then I remember that they were the couple that couldn't have any children,their behaviors and their attitudes. They must be led by motivating and inspiring leaders.. Then I say to myself ain't that America!
I see a group of boy's playing baseball with my son in the open field next to our house and the little guy is up to bat, as far as I can tell he never gut's a hit,What if, but he tries so very hard and week after week he steps up to plate, pulls up his sagging draws and wipes his snotty nose and tries to spit like the big leaguers do, he even get's some on his shoes. I laugh to myself. Strike one he misses the ball. By now my wife and me are watching as if Babe Ruth were batting himself. Strike two, he misses again. "Darn it" I say out loud. Here comes the pitch and he swings and he hits it, "RUN, RUN, RUN," I yell at the top of my lungs, I look at my wife and smile. You see the little runt is my five old and I begin to cry.
Then I whisper to myself ain't that America!
My daughter is going door to door selling Girl Scout cookies she stops and ties her shoe and takes a much needed rest, as you can tell she has been at it for some time now, as she sits on the sidewalk out of the corner of my eye I see a little old lady crossing the street, it seems like it is taking her forever to cross it. The old woman falls will my daughter get up? Will she help? Will she just ignore the lady in need, after all this is 2002 you know. I think to myself did I raise her properly? She gets up and as she is doing so she loses two of her order forms! What will she do now? I hold my breath and pray she does the right thing. She takes off running right in the direction of the little old lady, is she running to help the lady or to get the order forms,so take a long hard? Will she stop to help this elderly lady? As she approaches the lady, she looks toward the order forms and stops and sighs, it looks as though she is waving good bye to the order forms as she bends over to help the elderly lady up. I smile to myself and say ain't that America!
So as you can plainly see there is still a bunch of things we can be thankful for in this great country of ours so when you she a bunch of boy's playing ball or the girl scouts selling cookies or someone helping a elderly lady up or someone praying or how you love your children and wife, stop and say to yourself ain't that America!
When I see a picture of anyone's family it reminds me how fortunate I am to have a beautiful wife and four great children, who are all healthy I might add, yet in the picture of my lovely wife and two beautiful daughters, it reminds me of the girl "stuff" that I have to put up with. I mean like never getting into the bathroom when I need to go and the ungodly time they spend in there "WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE DOING I THINK TO MYSELF,5825 Ugg Classic Short Chestnut Boots?" Then when I see the results I am truly amazed it's like another woman who I can hardly recognize, who is more beautiful than the day I meet her and I thank God I did, she is truly a vision. Then I look at my two little angels who were hanging around mom in the bathroom and lo and behold she had time to put a new face on them too, "HOW DID SHE DO IT I THINK TO MY SELF" and I say ain't that america
I remember the couple of distant friends that couldn't have any children and I then silently pray for them as though it was myself and my wife who were in that situation, then I thank God for the happy outcome of this couples future and there yet to be unborn children, who will be brought into this world, of this I am sure. I get a call from my friend and he says guess what? I say what, by this time my mind is racing to try and guess the answer before he tells me! He "SCREAMS WE ARE HAVING TWINS" I respond that's great! Then I remember that they were the couple that couldn't have any children,their behaviors and their attitudes. They must be led by motivating and inspiring leaders.. Then I say to myself ain't that America!
I see a group of boy's playing baseball with my son in the open field next to our house and the little guy is up to bat, as far as I can tell he never gut's a hit,What if, but he tries so very hard and week after week he steps up to plate, pulls up his sagging draws and wipes his snotty nose and tries to spit like the big leaguers do, he even get's some on his shoes. I laugh to myself. Strike one he misses the ball. By now my wife and me are watching as if Babe Ruth were batting himself. Strike two, he misses again. "Darn it" I say out loud. Here comes the pitch and he swings and he hits it, "RUN, RUN, RUN," I yell at the top of my lungs, I look at my wife and smile. You see the little runt is my five old and I begin to cry.
Then I whisper to myself ain't that America!
My daughter is going door to door selling Girl Scout cookies she stops and ties her shoe and takes a much needed rest, as you can tell she has been at it for some time now, as she sits on the sidewalk out of the corner of my eye I see a little old lady crossing the street, it seems like it is taking her forever to cross it. The old woman falls will my daughter get up? Will she help? Will she just ignore the lady in need, after all this is 2002 you know. I think to myself did I raise her properly? She gets up and as she is doing so she loses two of her order forms! What will she do now? I hold my breath and pray she does the right thing. She takes off running right in the direction of the little old lady, is she running to help the lady or to get the order forms,so take a long hard? Will she stop to help this elderly lady? As she approaches the lady, she looks toward the order forms and stops and sighs, it looks as though she is waving good bye to the order forms as she bends over to help the elderly lady up. I smile to myself and say ain't that America!
So as you can plainly see there is still a bunch of things we can be thankful for in this great country of ours so when you she a bunch of boy's playing ball or the girl scouts selling cookies or someone helping a elderly lady up or someone praying or how you love your children and wife, stop and say to yourself ain't that America!
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